
If you are still not sure why you should try a massage, we bring you a few arguments to see for yourself all its benefits.

Improves sleep

Many people suffer from insomnia, lack of sleep or insufficiently invigorating sleep. All this adversely affects the physiology, makes the body more susceptible to inflammation and infection, and increases sensitivity to pain. Without enough sleep, the body cannot rest and get a chance to heal. Research suggests that therapeutic massage contributes to deeper and better quality sleep, especially in people who suffer from pain. Massage promotes good sleep because it relieves pain and relaxes muscles and mind.

Heals sore muscles

Massage helps with tense and sore muscles, in which, due to fatigue, lactic acid has accumulated. While the healing effect of touch on sore muscles has long been known, recent research has indicated an unexpected analgesic mechanism. Eleven people agreed to a strenuous bike ride uphill, from which their muscles became exhausted and began to ache. Ten minutes after the exercise, the masseurs massaged only one leg of each participant and let the other recover spontaneously. Measurements performed thereafter revealed large differences between massaged and non-massaged legs. 30 percent more PGC-1 alpha molecules, which promote muscle cell recovery, were found in the bodies of people who have had a massage.

Removes muscle tension

Numerous activities require taking unnatural positions, which cause muscle tension. This tension is not only physically uncomfortable but also weakens mental abilities. Feelings of constant tension, even mild, contribute to chronic hormonal, biochemical and neurological problems. The reticular connective tissue that wraps the muscles, becoming denser and less flexible, adversely affects posture and respiration. Constant muscle tension impedes blood flow and delivery of nutrients to organs and tissues. Massage lowers the concentration of stress hormones and breaks down tension, bringing the body into a state of balance.

Relieves headaches

Mental tension, like that in the muscles, also causes headaches, but massage relieves them. The most effective was the therapy by massaging critical points – places where the muscle tissue is strongly contracted. Critical points on the shoulders and neck transmit pain to the head. Therefore, by reducing tension at critical points, we also alleviate headaches. Many studies lead to the conclusion that massage helps against tension-induced headaches by pressing the critical point to spread the proteins that are responsible for muscle spasms. When the proteins are spaced apart, the cells relax and muscle tension relaxes.

It nourishes a sore back

The Cochrane Collaboration, a nonprofit organization that analyzes the effects of medical therapies, announced in 2008 that massage was a promising treatment for back pain. Pain is in certain conditions a signal sent by our built-in alarm device. In the case of stabs, burns or fractures, it signals to us that something is wrong. But if the pain lasts for days or months, as is the case with back pain, it means that the “alarm device” is broken. Massage cannot completely turn off the alarm, but it can silence it.

There are several theories about the mechanism by which massage relieves the feeling of pain. From the diseased site, the painful signal travels to the brain through nerve fibers of small diameter, while the signals sent by the massage travel to the brain through nerve currents of larger diameter. Because wider currents transmit signals more efficiently than narrower ones, massage data reaches the brain faster and more efficiently.